Sunday, 14 July 2013

Volvo Dun Laoghaire regatta took place in very light, marginal, sunny conditions for most of its 4 days.
Not the sort of weather I like to race in, whatever about getting a nice tan.  I am afraid to report that Glenshane consistently came in last in a large fleet of about 10 Glens.  I am not sure why.  I tried adjusting things as the event progressed.  The backstay, the luff, and foot tension of the mainsail.  That's about all you can adjust on Glenshane.  But to no avail.  Hard to avoid the conclusion that it could be my helming.

Great crewing over the days from Brien, Felicity, Elma, made for a very enjoyable event.  Perhaps that what it should be about.  Sailing with people who you like rather than winning.  But it would be nice....

Ill post a few photos
Lolling about before a start.



Arch rival G29

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